Tatha Gallery Summer Show

Outside - Inside

31st July -28th August

Works can be viewed on my paintings page here

I am delighted to share the news that I will be once again exhibiting at Tatha Gallery. It’s been eight months since I left the role of co-founding director so I am thrilled to be back showing my work in the beautiful and familiar space.

This body of work has developed intuitively as my mind wandered to the hills and coasts. The six vertical format pieces named Bleached, Hidden Lochan, Boundless, Cadence, Revel and Shroud were all inspired by moments of reverie and places of mystery and remoteness. Andrew Greig’s Loch of the Green Corrie came to mind for the secretive mountainous images as did the poetry of Norman MacCaig.

The larger pieces in the show; Quell, Time Out and Incoming Tide are peripheral places that have taken on the personality given to them by the light and air of the moment. All suggestions their own way of a new day, a new time, a new hour whilst being contemplative and ever aware of the present.

It is a pleasure to be showing this body of work in my home town and I hope very much that you will take a moment to enjoy

Incoming Tide • 48x122cm

Incoming Tide • 48x122cm