Beginning, middle and end. It starts with a thought, a line, an idea takes seed. Inspired by each and everything encountered. Last night I watched a film, the imagery was truly magical, yesterday I had a conversation about pea green boats and magic carpets. Perhaps this makes my work not just about landscape, but more.
Whispering Moon
It always feels special when you see the moon. In the past I have avoided painting it. Perhaps I feel it is too big a subject. To most it is intangible, something to imagine but not touch. It is this intangibility that draws me in to the challenge to paint it today. ‘It has many faces’ they say and with that, many moods. Today it is secretive.
Winter. Riot of grey.
Fully embracing the subtle colour shifts of the subdued palette. Low light levels, I find, can help you focus on the colour that is there. And it is there, I feel (on occasion) the little light there is, is absorbed rather than reflected.
Losing Track
Deep winter. January is a time of reflection for many. Winter is deeply ingrained.
Oil on Board • 20x23cm • 2023