“Awake!, arise! the hour is late!
Angels are knocking at thy door!
They are in haste and cannot wait,
And once departed come no more.
Awake! arise! the athlete’s arm
Loses its strength by too much rest:
The fallow land, the untilled farm
Produces only weeds at best. ”
Seize the day! This last month has been a turning point for me, new ideas and renewed energy have led to a very active and productive month in the studio. Painterly decisions made, brave steps forward throwing off those lurking, invisible shackles. Several large paintings are on the go for forthcoming exhibitions and open competitions. Fallow periods are useful: research, drawing, travelling, thinking but its the action of painting that brings it all to life, where sense is made and to cultivate the painterly decisions which are then intuitively made when in the throws. Like when seeing the first appearance of the snowdrops and aconites I breathe a sigh of relief to know that time is of the essence and more importantly yours to cultivate.
With this newly found light today I have added three new works on paper to my online shop.